Wednesday, October 24, 2007

An original horror movie and Silent Bob joins the Army?

I've been interested in this movie since I first heard about it, yet somehow I missed the release of the trailer. What first peaked my interest was that this movie is constantly being associated with Pulp Fiction. But from what I've heard it's only because it's told as four stories that are intertwined. It's pretty discouraging to think that few people have really used nonlinear story telling to its full extent since Tarantino's masterpiece. Although there was the Nolan brother's genius Memento, but that's getting off topic, I'll get back to those guys later. The atmosphere of Trick 'r Treat looks brillant. Why haven't more movies taken advantage of the Halloween atmosphere. Horror movies these days focus too much on blood and gore and not enough on supernatural stories. But this movie looks like it's trying it break out of that mode with what appears to be vampires, ghosts, and other crazy stuff. The use of Jack-o-Lanterns reminds me of the original Halloween with that pumpkin from the opening credits. The first scene in the trailer with Anna Paquin walking through the woods is set up beautifully with the dark blue-grey road and the occasional orange of a glowing pumpkin that really makes the background pop. My favorite part of the trailer is what seems to be refered to as "the School Bus Masacre". The faded orange light with those old masks is perfect, it almost has a Donnie Darko feel (I really am going to try and stop refering to that movie). The design of the movie looks very unique. Kind of like a toned down Tim Burton. And I don't know what's going on with that ghost thing that chases the old guy but it looks good. Too bad it's a whole year until next Halloween.

I came across something else interesting this week. After viewing the Southland Tales trailer many, many times I was sure Kevin Smith was not in it. Then I saw Mr. Smith's new myspace pic. And sure enough he was in the trailer all along.

It looks like he's playing some sort of old general or something. Weird yet awesome.

Finally, back to the indomitable Nolan brothers. had a small post about The Dark Knight. Apparently Bats' new suit is going to have some kind of sonar that turns the eyes of the mask white when turned on. This is small, insignificant some might say, BUT it's getting closer to the comic book Batman. I can only hope that the new suit is going to be the classic grey fabric or at least thin armor. If Morgan Freeman can make a fabric that can hold its shape when an electric current is run through it, why can't he invent a bulletproof fabric? Also, the Dark Knight candle seems to be getting dimmer. There isn't supposed to be anything major till December, but could the Joker have a Halloween trick or treat in mind (I know that was lame, but I couldn't help it.)? And by the way I love this marketing campaign, viral sites seem to be the new thing and I'm liking it. And the Jack-o-Lantern looks like the one in The Long Halloween, one of the best graphic Batman novels around. I can only hope that The Dark Knight picks up on some of the story lines.

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