Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Night Orchard.

They heard somewhere in that tenantless night a bell that tolled and ceased where no bell was and they rode out on the round dais of the earth which alone was dark and no light to it and which carried their figures and bore them up into the swarming stars so that they rode not under them but among then and they rode at once jaunty and circumspect, like thieves newly loosed in that dark electric, like young thieves in a glowing orchard, loosely jacketed against the cold and ten thousand worlds for the choosing.

-Cormac McCarthy
(All the Pretty Horses)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A couple of things.

Wes Anderson is one of my favorite directors so I’ve been waiting on this one for some time. With The Darjeeling Limited coming out only two years ago, I didn’t expect to see Fantastic Mr. Fox for at least four years due to the stop motion animation. Needless to say I was pretty surprised when this trailer showed up last week out of the blue. I could not ask for anything more from the animation. It’s perfect right down to the way the characters’ fur ruffles as they talk. Despite the fact that the film is animated it sill has that distinct Wes Andseron style, the overhead shot of the desk is perfect. This movie has moved to second on my must see list, right below Where the Wild Things Are which brings me to my second find.

OK. So this isn’t really a trailer, but its well worth watching. This featurette is basically about Maurice Sendak’s thoughts on the adaptation of his book Where the Wild Things Are. There’s some interesting behind the scenes footage and also some commentary from Spike Jonze. Another note of interest is that the song at the end sounds like it is one of the original songs featuring Karen O.

The trailer for the new Richard Kelly film has also appeared online. The Box is about a family who is struggling financially. One day a disfigured stranger appears with box holding a button. If they should push the button they will get one million dollars but someone will die. I love Donnie Darko. I enjoyed Southland Tales, eventhough I didn’t understand a second of it. But this just looks like a let down.

Finally, the trailer for A Serious Man, the new Cohen brothers’ film has made its debut. Looks interesting. The trailer is cool. But something seems missing. I’m sure this movie will melt my mind anyway.

I lied. This is really the last one. Big Fan. I had never heard of this movie. I just happened to be on the Apple trailers webpage, saw a poster with Patton Oswald with his face painted, and clicked on it expecting to see a comedy. I was way wrong. But it turned out to be the most interesting thing I’ve seen this week.